Dr. Othello B. Capuno, the VP for Research and Extension and Director of VICAARP, introduces the heads and the representatives of the consortium member agencies.

Dr. Edgardo E. Tulin, VSU President and the new RRDCC chair, gives his inspirational message.

Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, the new VICAARP R and D coordinator, presents the R and D Plan for Regional Priority Commodities for 2016.
The VICAARP-Regional Research and Development Council (RRDCC) and RRDEN-Regional Agricultural Council (RAC) endorsed the proposed 2016 Regional R & D Plan during the first quarter joint meeting held on May 6, 2016 at the PhilRootcrops Training Hall, Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte.
The R and D Plan which was presented by VICAARP R and R Coordinator, Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, included three commodities, namely: Bamboo, Sago Palm and Seashells.
"There is a need to conserve bamboo species," Dr. Eugene Bautista of DENR stressed. Bamboo is one of the most important non-timber forests plants in Asia. In the Philippines, a massive decrease in wood production in the last decade was experienced. Hence, an initiative for the Development of Bamboo-based Industry in Eastern Visayas is one of the top priorities of VICAARP R and D.
There are six (6) project components under Bamboo Program. These are: (1) Inventory and Value Chain Development of Bamboo in Eastern Visayas; (2) Development of Tissue Culture Techniques of Selected Bamboo Species; (3) Macropropagation Technique of Bamboo for Industrial Purposes; (4) Establishment of Bamboo Germplasm Collection of Native and Indigenous Species of Bamboo in Eastern Visayas and Existing Introductions in the Country; (5) Bamboo Hybridization: Protoplast fusion of Selected Bamboo Species; (6) Processing of Bamboo Shoots into High Value Food Products.
On the other hand, Sago Palm was also chosen because it is the most important starch bearing palm species in freshwater swamps in Southeast Asia and on the many islands of the Western Pacific. Just like coconut, almost all parts have economic uses. Thus, the team headed by Dr. Marcelo Quevedo conceptualized the proposal entitled "Management of Natural Stands and Newly Established Plantations of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) in the Visayas and Mindanao. The project aims to conserve and expand the productivity of sago palm for flour/starch production in the natural stand and established plantation.
Seashells is the third priority commodity that VICAARP has to focus, specifically on abalone, blue swimming crab, mudcrab, mussels, and oyster. Arrays of potential proposals were crafted for PCAARRD funding. These are: (1) Potential Food Sources for Abalone Grow-out Culture; (2) Feed Formulation for Abalone Culture using Sargassum sp.; (3) Stocking Density and Survival Rate of Abalone; (4) Technology Development to Induce Molting for Soft-shelled Blue Swimming Crab Production; (5) Survey of Spawning and Nursery Grounds of Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus, Linnaeus, 1758) in Region 8; (6) Development of Low-cost Feeds and Sustainable Culture Strategies to Improve Mudcrab Production; (7) the Use of Abaca, Coco Coir and Rattan as Substitute to Synthetic Fibers in the Culture of Green Mussels; Offshore Ropeweb-Longline Mussel Culture; (Socio-economic Study of Mussel Farmers in Eastern Visayas; (9) Offshore long line Oyster Culture.
Dr. Bacusmo encouraged each member agency to contribute more initiatives to make business. Business in SUCs and other member agencies means selling the technology not selling the products of the technology, he emphasized.
With these three priority commodities, VICAARP is set to bring more impact and change in the research and development scenario in Eastern Visayas.
- EYBañoc